terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012

Feeling like Andrea O

- It's what you do after the mistake that matters. Move forward.
- People aren't perfect. And they make mistakes. Forgive.
- Some people require more patience than others. Be patient.
- Shopping can cure a multiple of ailments. Buy shoes.
- If at first you don't succeed, change your plan or you'll get the same results. Be persistent.
- Fighting with people you love is stupid. Apologize.
- There's a special bond between cousins. Cherish it.
- You can do anything you put you mind to. Forge ahead..
- Things will happen when the time is right. Have faith.
- Pretty packages sometimes hide troubled insides. Be cautious.
- Just because something doesn't follow everyones else's rules doesn't make it wrong. Break rules.
- Life doesn't always go as planned. Have flexibility.
- Life can't always be planned. Be spontaneous.
- Sometimes people will catch you off guard. Be surprised.
- I would rather try and fail then to always wonder. Go for it.
- You can always return it. Buy them (the shoes that is).
- You are right where you need to be at this very moment. Relax.
- It's better to be real than fake. Laugh loudly.
- Time isn't a guarantee. Love boldly. And without regret

by Andrea O

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